Hops Growing Resources

Our List
While this list is bound to be incomplete, these are resources we have personally found to be very valuable to us and other hops growers. Please contact us directly if you would like to be included in this list, or know of another great resource! There are also a number of print references in our manual.
Small Scale & Organic Hops Production Manual
This is our own manual, designed to be a general guide. We cover everything from soil types to harvesting, focusing on horticultural information rather than marketing. The manual is invaluable for smaller growers and those looking for information on organic production. Pest and disease management, soil fertility, cover crops and green manures are all included, along with how to plan a yard, irrigation needs and general management. The Manual has been used by growers all over North America for the last 12 years, and remains a benchmark.
University Research
There is a lot of material available on-line apart from our manual. The very best resource we’ve found is the University of Vermont, which has been engaging in serious open research into hops production for several years. There’s more specific information on markets in these resources, but nothing will replace doing your own business planning research!
University of Vermont — Hops Feasibility Study
Hops Variety Lists
There are lots of great lists of varieties out there – these have a lot of detailed information, plus useful background on how and where varieties were developed.
UVM Extension’s Instructional Wiki for blueprints for a small-scale harvester, small-scale balers, and a small-scale oast
Irrigation supply
Cables & trellis materials
Small Scale Harvesters
Cultivation Specifics
Integrated Pest Management in Hops
Farmscaping to Enhance Biological Control
Organic Agriculture guides (ATTRA)
Organic Agriculture research, guides and information (COABC)
Current Research
Organic Science Cluster II Hops fertilization research
on-farm research at Left Fields on Downy Mildew Management in organic systems
book a farm tour to view our hops oast and small scale manual press
We have been using CLV for the last several years for alpha, HSI and other values.